Common Questions Men Have About Hormone Replacement Therapy
Why Do I Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Every man experiences a gradual decline in hormone production as he ages. …Beginning at age 30, his body manufactures less and less testosterone, losing 1-2% per…year until leveling off somewhere between 40-55 years of age, signaling the onset of…Andropause…the male equivalent of Menopause…. Symptoms frequently…include:
- lack of sexual desire
- weight gain
- loss of muscle mass
- irritability
- depression
- sluggishness
Testosterone is essential to a man…s well-being…It can literally change your life!
What is BHRT?
BHRT is the restoration of proper hormone levels through the use of hormones…that are identical in structure to those naturally produced in the body. …Recent studies have shown that hormone replacement with synthetic hormones…(hormones that are similar to but different in structure that our natural hormones)…can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. …At InShapeMD… we use only the highest quality…hormones,…thereby reducing the risk of dangerous biochemical reactions and…health problems… that can occur with synthetic hormones.
…What is Testosterone Therapy?
Treatments involve small, infrequent muscular injections of testosterone. …The hormone is released into the bloodstream over time in a safe and controlled manner. …Dosages are tightly controlled by yourInShapeMD… health provider to ensure safe and maximum effectiveness…. The hormones are compounded according to the highest…industry standards, using the best quality botanical ingredients available. …Derived from…soy and other plant-based ingredients, they are specially formulated…to strictly replicate human hormones.
Some of the Benefits Include
- Enhanced libido and sexual desire
- Improved memory and mental clarity
- Increased sense of well-being
- Reduced fatigue…More energy
- Relief from anxiety and depression
- Decrease in body fat and Increase in lean body mass…
For more information or to schedule a consultation,
contact Susan at 582-9216.